Disaster, Happly or Sadly?

Disaster is a calamitous event ,especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure. But here, what I want to discuss  is about natural disaster. Natural Disaster is a natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of life.  
On 2006, Yogyakarta made many people shock. Because at that time an earthquake was happen. Not only once but twice, it also make people speculate that tsunami will come, because the earthquake came from the sea. The earthquake centered at Bantul and the number of victims reach 4.983 person. The damage of this earthquake quite severe. Some mall and tourist attraction had to close because of this earthquake.
Now, I want to tell you about my friend’s experience.  Her name is Rosyida Nur Amalia. She’s 18 y.o, and now she studying at UGM. At that time, she was 7 years old and was sleeping. Her father came and carry her out to empty field, and when the second earthquake came when she ate breakfast with her family.  This earthquake didn’t make any severe cause to her house. There’s some cracks but not too severe compare to the houses in Bantul. Also, her family didn’t get any supplies from government because she thought her area didn’t include the dangerous area.  During the week Rosyida and her family slept outside the house to prevent the earthquake.  This earthquake didn’t leave any trauma to her family, but they always ready whenever the earthquake come. During this event, there's no sad scene. Just one moment when her father fall and everybody laugh because its funny, but for herself she felt pity of her father. In her opinion, this disaster didn't make her scared, because she always remember  the one who she must scared is god. 
The government already make action to prevent this disaster. First, the government built building in save area where bunch of people can gather usually this building have wide field. Second, do training to people so the people not easily panic when the earthquake come. Third, make evacuation trail and shelter and hills to prevent tsunami, and last make a house that prevent earthquake.


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